Thursday, December 16, 2010

English - Some time hard some time easy

English may seem straightforward to resident speakers, but for those whose primary language is not English it is quite hard to master the articulation of words. A new English speaker has to not only learn new language, but unlike most other languages, say French or Italian; the speaker must learn what words to emphasize so that sentences sound correct.

The articulation in English can be enhanced by working on the words that are to be emphasized. It has been measured why English grammar seems to be tricky for some people. There are many factors that can donate to this. If a person has dyslexia or a knowledge disability, it could be because he was born with this problem and thus, it could not be helped. Far more often, however, are those who simply did not understand or learn grammar rules while in school. This could be due to lack of quality teachers, parental support or just laziness on the part of the student. Because some people great effort so much with syntax, many teachers will not emphasize its importance and students are pushed to the next grade.

A 'stressed' language. English is a stressed language - this means that some are given more emphasis in their tone than others. There will be a mixture of stressed and unstressed words, depending on the type used. Go behind these rules to help you improve your pronunciations.

Another issue with English grammar comes from those who have a different native tongue. If your mother-tongue is close to English in some ways, then English grammar will be easier for you. However, if your native tongue has nothing in common with English at all, it will be more not easy to learn and understand English grammar. All languages have their own idiosyncrasy and take time and tolerance to conquer.Doing this in combination with many hours of conversation with native English speaking people, and study of new english file elementary will help you to improve how you pronounce your English.

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